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How To Run A Meeting



By Robert McConnell Productions

How To Run A Meeeting

If you would like to know more about how Parliamentarian Procedure from Little Ben, click here for my DVD called How To Run A Meeting.


  We have all been taught manners from childhood.  We are to say “please” and “thank you.”  We refer to adults as Mr., Mrs., and Ms., or Miss. It is polite and kind to open the door for another and let someone go ahead of you in line.  Many small kindnesses done to others make a day pleasant.  So what are some of the things done in meetings that make a meeting kind, friendly, polite and orderly?

            #1.  Refer to officers and committee chairmen by their titles and not by their names.  Mr. President or Madam President; Mr. Treasurer or Madam Treasurer.

            #2.  Listen when another is speaking in debate.  Don’t quietly talk to another.

            #3. When you want to speak, don’t just raise your hand or just start speaking.  Instead, rise, and address the presiding officer: ‘Mr. President or Madam President.”  Then wait for the chair to state your name.  Then you can speak.

            #4. In speaking in debate, if you have different information than another, just state that you have research that shows something different.  If the issue is contentious and the debate is getting heated, be calm when speaking, don’t attack a person’s motives or call someone a liar.  If you want to refer to someone in debate use the third person and not the person’s name. For example, the member who spoke about….or the previous speaker….or the committee chairman… 

            #5.  After the meeting be sure to smile at those who you may not have agreed with. Say something positive to them.  For example, “that was an interesting comment that you made about...”

            #6.  If the presiding officer makes a mistake or gets lost in the process of handling a series of motions and you know the right thing to do, rise and offer to help straighten things out. 

            #7.  A point of order should only be used for times when members’ rights are being taken away not minor infractions.  At other times just rising and stating Mr. or Madam President, I believe the correct procedure at this time is to…..  

            #8.  When making a motion, have it written down and hand it to the presiding officer.  That helps him and makes sure your motion is read the way you stated it.

LITTLE BEN SAYS: “These and other niceties make meetings enjoyable to attend and members happy with each other.”

If you would like to know more about how to speak in debate, you will find our book and the DVD “How to Conduct a Meeting” helpful.  Go to our order form at