What's the correct protocol in getting an aged senior citizen (who sits on the Trustee Board) and hasn't attended in two years to recuse himself or step down from the Board?
Dear Rosella,
Some dilemma. Has anyone contacted this person? Has anyone called to see how the person is doing? Has anyone looked in the bylaws to see if there is a clause that allows for removal for not attending board meetings? I suggest first the pleasant way. A cup of tea and scones. Why not either take them out for tea or bring it into them? Then have a nice friendly chat. Ask how he's doing? Ask if someone can bring him to the meetings? Then approach a resignation letter if the person can't make it. Surely someone on the board is kind enough to do this. The last approach is voting for removal which may not be the kindest way to solve the problem. Or you could just letting the term expire.
Little Ben
Question submitted by Rosella on October 28, 2015